Van Life with Kids: Tips for Digital Nomad Families

Van life offers a unique opportunity for families to embark on a nomadic adventure together. It allows children to experience the world firsthand, learn about different cultures, and develop a sense of independence. However, van life with kids comes with its own set of challenges and considerations. In this blog, we will provide practical tips and advice for digital nomad families embracing the van life. So buckle up, grab your little ones, and let's hit the road!

Choosing the Right Van

When selecting a van for your family, consider the size, layout, and features that will accommodate your needs. Here are a few things to consider:

  1. Space and Sleeping Arrangements: Choose a van with enough space to comfortably sleep and move around. Look for vans that offer various seating and sleeping configurations to accommodate the entire family.

  2. Kid-Friendly Features: Opt for child-friendly features, such as built-in child seat anchor points or easy-to-clean upholstery.

  3. Storage Solutions: Look for vans with ample storage space for clothing, toys, and other essentials. Utilize storage solutions like overhead bunk beds or under-seat compartments to maximize space.

Prioritizing Safety

Keeping your children safe is a top priority while living the van life. Here are some safety considerations:

  1. Car Seat Installation: Install car seats securely according to the manufacturer's instructions. Ensure that your van has appropriate anchor points and utilize seat belts or other restraint systems as needed.

  2. Childproofing: Van life can present unique hazards. Childproof your van by securing loose objects, covering sharp edges, and using safety gates for sliding doors or storage areas.

  3. Fire Safety: Install smoke detectors and carbon monoxide detectors in your van. Have a fire extinguisher readily accessible and educate your children about fire safety protocols.

Embracing a Minimalist Lifestyle

Living in a van requires adopting a minimalist mindset and decluttering your life. Here's how you can embrace minimalism with kids:

  1. Toys and Entertainment: Encourage your children to choose a few favorite toys or activities that can provide hours of entertainment. Opt for versatile toys that encourage imaginative play.

  2. Clothing and Gear: Pack essential clothing items and gear that are versatile, weather-appropriate, and easy to wash. Embrace practicality and choose quality over quantity.

  3. Digital Learning: Utilize digital resources for homeschooling and educational activities. Online programs, educational apps, and e-books can provide valuable learning opportunities for your children.

Creating a Routine

Maintaining a routine can add stability to your digital nomad family's van life. Here are some tips for creating a routine:

  1. Structured Days: Establish consistent wake-up and bedtime routines, meal times, and designated learning/playtime. This provides a sense of stability for your children.

  2. Flexible Schedule: Allow for flexibility in your schedule to adapt to the changing needs and interests of your children. Embrace spontaneous adventures and take advantage of learning opportunities along the way.

  3. Designated Work and Play Areas: Create designated areas for work and play within your van. This helps maintain a sense of structure and separates work time from family time.

Building Community and Social Interaction

Van life doesn't mean isolating your family from social interactions. Here's how you can build community on the road:

  1. Connect with Other Nomad Families: Reach out to other digital nomad families through social media groups or online forums. Meeting other families on the road can provide valuable connections and support.

  2. Participate in Local Activities: Engage in local community activities, join local parenting groups, or enroll your children in local classes or sports teams. This allows your children to interact with peers and develop social skills.

  3. Virtual Connections: Utilize online platforms to connect with family and friends. Video calls and social media can help your children maintain relationships and stay connected with loved ones.

Resources for Van Life with Kids


Van life with kids can be an incredible experience that offers your family the opportunity to bond, explore, and learn together. By choosing the right van, prioritizing safety, embracing a minimalist lifestyle, creating a routine, and building a community on the road, you can make your digital nomad family adventure a rewarding and fulfilling experience for everyone involved. So pack your bags, buckle up, and embark on an unforgettable journey of van life with your little ones by your side!


Van Life and Minimalism: How to Embrace a Simple Nomadic Lifestyle


Van Life Safety: Essential Fire Safety Precautions