How to Stay Focused and Avoid Distractions as a Digital Nomad
I've spent the last two years traveling the world while working online, and there's no question that this lifestyle presents its share of challenges. But one thing that's helped me keep my business moving forward is staying focused. If you're like me and travel often for work or pleasure, here are some tips for how to keep your mind on track when you're in an unfamiliar location with lots of distractions around you:
Create an ideal distraction-free work space.
If you're going to be working remotely, it's important to create an ideal distraction-free work space. The first step is finding a quiet place where you won't be bothered by other people or their noise. If this isn't possible, then consider using headphones and music that blocks out outside distractions (like my favorite podcast). Next, make sure that all of the equipment that you need is close at hand: laptop with charger cable plugged in; pen/pencils and paper for taking notes; phone charger plugged into an outlet near the desk so it doesn't get lost under things when needed later on during the day; water bottle within reach so hydration can happen without having to get up from one's chair constantly throughout the day (and thus breaking concentration). Finally, try using timers like Pomodoro Technique and Forest App as reminders when it's time for breaks from intense focus periods where no distractions should enter!
Check your phone only at certain times of the day.
To avoid wasting time and staying focused, you should set specific times to check your phone. Use a timer to remind yourself when it's okay to check and when it isn't.
Don't check the phone during meals or meetings (unless absolutely necessary). Don't check the phone while exercising or sleeping either.
Use apps and software to block distractions.
The best way to avoid distractions is to block them. You can use apps and software like Freedom or Self Control, which force your computer into lockdown mode after a certain amount of time has passed. This way, even if you want to check Facebook or watch YouTube videos (which are two of the most common distractions), you won't be able to do so until your work session is done.
If this isn't an option for some reason--perhaps because the company where you're working doesn't allow employees use these programs--then try setting up a timer on your phone instead: pick whatever length seems reasonable (an hour? Two hours?) and start it when starting work; then put away your phone until time's up!
Develop a no-slacking policy for yourself.
In order to stay focused and avoid distractions, it's important to develop a no-slacking policy for yourself. The temptation to procrastinate is always there, but if you make an effort to minimize the time spent on tasks that don't contribute directly toward your goals, then you'll be much better off in the long run.
Here are some tips:
Don't be afraid to ask for help when needed! If someone offers their assistance without being asked (and they're qualified), take advantage of their offer. It doesn't matter if it seems like "too much work" or not--you'll be surprised at how quickly things will get done when multiple people pitch in with their skillset instead of doing everything yourself all the time.
Don't be afraid to say no! If someone asks something from you that doesn't align with your values and priorities as a digital nomad or entrepreneur (e.g., working late on Friday night), politely decline by explaining why it isn't possible at this time; if necessary, offer alternatives so they can still achieve their goals without putting additional stress on yourself (like saying something along these lines: "Sorry but I'm busy tonight - would tomorrow afternoon work instead?").
Reward yourself for not being distracted.
When you have a moment, reward yourself for not being distracted. It's easy to get caught up in the idea that we should be working all the time, but this is not always healthy or productive. If you've managed to stay focused on what matters most during your work day, then give yourself a pat on the back! For example:
Go for a walk around town or enjoy some fresh air at one of Thailand's many parks
Get a massage (you'll likely find them everywhere)
Read up on local news and events online so that when someone asks "What do you want to do today?" you're ready with an answer!
A little bit of planning can help you avoid getting distracted by things that are not important to what you need to get done in order to move forward in your business or life!
A little bit of planning can help you avoid getting distracted by things that are not important to what you need to get done in order to move forward in your business or life!
Planning is important because it helps you stay focused and not be distracted by other things that may come up during the day.
Planning also helps with getting things done faster because if we don't plan ahead, then we will have trouble knowing what needs to be done at any given moment.
Finally, planning allows us all (including myself) an opportunity for growth as well as progress towards our goals each day--even when there are distractions along the way!
I hope you've found these tips helpful. I know that it can be hard to stay focused, especially when there are so many distractions around us. But if we keep our eyes on the prize and make a commitment to ourselves (and others), then we can all make progress towards whatever goals we have set for ourselves!